Our 2024 JHS Softball Banquet will be held on Sunday, May 12, at 6:00 PM. 

Doors will open at 6:00 PM
Dinner will begin at 6:30 PM

A dinner Buffet will be provided by That Little Italian Kitchen and will include the following:

  • Italian Chicken Breast

  • Cheesy Potatoes

  • Green Beans

  • Garden Salad

  • Rolls/Butter

  • Dessert

Water will be provided.

The Booster Club will cover the costs for players and Coaches. Children 10 and younger are FREE.

We are asking that each player donate $20 to go towards coaches' gifts. You can add this to your banquet reservation by adding it to the donation box. 

Note: In the platform fee box, select “other” and enter $0. This will keep your registration to the banquet and coaches’ gift fees only. 

Please email polarbearsoftball@gmail.com with any questions. 

Thank you
JHS Softball Booster Club